Author: AmazingSusan
Incubate while you procrastinate! #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Creativity, Determination, Fun, Goals, Humour, Imagination, Inspiration, Learning, Success, TED, Wisdom. 1 Comment on Incubate while you procrastinate! #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
Sometimes ideas need time to incubate #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
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How do you define yourself? #SheQuotes #Quotes #amazing #women #selfesteem #confidence #power
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Determination, Failure, Health, Hope, Imagination, Inspiration, Joy, Leadership, Learning, Life, Power, Reality, Success, Transformation, Truth, Values, Wisdom.
How do you define yourself? #SheQuotes #Quotes #amazing #women #selfesteem #confidence #power
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Rachel Fleit on having no hair #SheQuotes #Quote #beauty #self #esteem #confidence
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Success.
Rachel Fleit on having no hair #SheQuotes #Quote #beauty #self #esteem #confidence
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Judge Judy gets the last word #SheQuotes #power #confidence #reality
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Bitchy, Communication, Confidence, Learning, Power, Success, Wisdom, Women.
Judge Judy gets the last word #SheQuotes #power #confidence #reality
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Bette Midler’s body has a mind of its own #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #ageing #beauty #bodies
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Fun, Health, Humour, Love, Reality, Wisdom, Women.
Bette Midler’s body has a mind of its own #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #ageing #beauty #bodies
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Bette Midler bites #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #fun
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Fun, Humour.
Bette Midler bites #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #fun
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#SheQuotes is trilingual #Quote #languages #sassy #smartass #snark #sarcasm
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Education, Humour.
#SheQuotes is trilingual #Quote #languages #sassy #smartass #snark #sarcasm
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Rite Mae Brown on the sexual spectrum #SheQuotes #Quote #sexuality #diversity #gender
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Health, Relationships, Sexuality.
Rite Mae Brown on the sexual spectrum #SheQuotes #Quote #sexuality #diversity #gender
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Be grateful not hateful #SheQuotes #Quote #gratitude #attitude #thanksgiving
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Feelings, Giving, Gratitude, Happiness, Values.
Be grateful not hateful #SheQuotes #Quote #gratitude #attitude #thanksgiving
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Tina Turner isn’t old yet #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #aging #self #esteem #confidence #youth #health #happiness
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Creativity, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Women.
Tina Turner isn’t old yet #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #aging #self #esteem #confidence #youth #health #happiness
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Tina Turner is hot #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #self #esteem #confidence
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Feminism, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Power, Sexuality, Success, Values, Women.
Tina Turner is hot #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #self #esteem #confidence
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Tina Turner lets go #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #courage #self #esteem #confidence #creativity #health #happiness
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Creativity, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Women.
Tina Turner lets go #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #self #esteem #confidence #creativity #health #happiness
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Tina Turner on how much of a woman she is #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #self #esteem
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Feminism, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Power, Sexuality, Success, Values, Women.
Tina Turner on how much of a woman she is #SheQuotes #Quote #women #power #self #esteem
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Elizabeth Edwards on sailing in a storm #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination #faith #flexibility
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Courage, Determination, Success, Transformation.
Elizabeth Edwards on sailing in a storm #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination #faith #flexibility
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Elizabeth Gilbert on soul mates #SheQuotes #Quotes #relationships #love #transformation
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Inspiration, Life, Love, Relationships, Spirituality, Transformation.
Elizabeth Gilbert on soul mates #SheQuotes #Quotes #relationships #love #transformation
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May we be strong #SheQuotes #Quotes #women #strength #courage #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Courage, Determination, Humanity, Leadership, Parenting, Politics, Power, Wisdom, Women, World Issues.
May we be strong #SheQuotes #Quotes #women #strength #courage #determination
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Shop ’til you drop not #SheQuotes #quote #shopping #BlackFriday #consumerism
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Humour, Life, Men, Money.
Shop ’til you drop not #SheQuotes #quote #shopping #BlackFriday #consumerism
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Erica Williams Simon sees violence in silence #SheQuotes #quote #silence #power #violence
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Courage, Leadership, Politics, Power, Truth, World Issues.
Erica Williams Simon sees the violence in silence #SheQuotes #quote #silence #power #violence
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NYT best-selling author Anne Fortier on good and evil #Quotes #good #evil
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Destiny, Determination, Goals, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Power, Reality, Success, Wisdom.
NYT best-selling author Anne Fortier on good and evil #Quotes #good #evil
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Tina Fey on decision making #SheQuotes #quote #positive #attitude #faith #decisions
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Destiny, Determination, Dreams, Fear, Goals, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Success.
Tina Fey on decision making #SheQuotes #quote #positive #attitude #faith #decisions
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Melanie Gaydos is who she is #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #beauty
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Creativity, Determination, Goals, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Success.
Melanie Gaydos is who she is #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #beauty
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Ashima Suraishi on rock climbing #SheQuotes #Quote #adventure #girls
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Fun, Girls, Goals, Health, Inspiration, Nature, TED.
Ashima Suraishi on rock climbing #SheQuotes #Quote #adventure #girls
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Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Destiny, Determination, Dreams, Failure, Hope, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Wisdom. 2 Comments on Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
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Alice Paul on running the world #SheQuotes #Quote #feminism #women #pioneers
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Determination, Feminism, Humanity, Leadership, Politics, Power, Women, World Issues.
Alice Paul on running the world #SheQuotes #Quote #feminism #women #pioneers