Helen Gurley Brown went everywhere #shequotes #quote #adventure #fun #heaven #hell #adventure #goodgirls #badgirls
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Fun, Girls, Humour, Life.
Helen Gurley Brown went everywhere #shequotes #quote #heaven #hell #adventure #goodgirls #badgirls
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Amy Ferris’s 7 empowering don’ts #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #success #love
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Fun, Goals, Happiness, Health, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Power, Relationships, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Amy Ferris’s 7 empowering don’ts #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #success #love
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“I’ll do just about anything but…” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #housework #cleaning #dusting #laundry
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Fun, Happiness, Humour, Life, Truth, Work.
“I’ll do just about anything but…” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #housework #cleaning #dusting #laundry
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Amy Ferris dials F for Fabulous #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #mediocrity
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Fun, Goals, Health, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Power, Transformation, Women.
Amy Ferris dials F for Fabulous #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #mediocrity
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Research shows heavier women live longer #shequotes #quote #health #fitness #LOL #body #self #esteem #diet
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Bitchy, Confidence, Fun, Goals, Health, Humour, Men, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Research shows heavier women live longer #shequotes #quote #health #fitness #body #self #esteem #diet #LOL
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Did you get what you wanted this Christmas? #shequotes #quote #rest #humor #fun #Christmas
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Christmas, Fun, Health, Humour.
Did you get what you wanted this Christmas? #shequotes #quote #rest #humor #fun #Christmas
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Holiday ha ha ha ha #shequotes #quote #food #humor #fun #Christmas
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Christmas, Fun, Health, Humour.
Holiday ha ha ha ha #shequotes #quote #food #humor #fun #Christmas
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Yes, it does seem unlikely LOL # shequotes #quote #sexist #humor #Christmas #wisdom
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Christmas, Humour, Men, Wisdom, Women.
Yes, it does seem unlikely LOL # shequotes #quote #sexist #humor #Christmas #wisdom
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Rite Mae Brown is tempted #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #misbehaving #temptation
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Destiny, Fun, Happiness, Health, Humour, Leadership.
Rite Mae Brown is tempted #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #misbehaving #temptation
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Incubate while you procrastinate! #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Creativity, Determination, Fun, Goals, Humour, Imagination, Inspiration, Learning, Success, TED, Wisdom. 1 Comment on Incubate while you procrastinate! #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
Sometimes ideas need time to incubate #SheQuotes #Quotes #creativity #innovation #process
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Bette Midler’s body has a mind of its own #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #ageing #beauty #bodies
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Fun, Health, Humour, Love, Reality, Wisdom, Women.
Bette Midler’s body has a mind of its own #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #ageing #beauty #bodies
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Bette Midler bites #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #fun
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Fun, Humour.
Bette Midler bites #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #LOL #fun
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#SheQuotes is trilingual #Quote #languages #sassy #smartass #snark #sarcasm
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Education, Humour.
#SheQuotes is trilingual #Quote #languages #sassy #smartass #snark #sarcasm
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Shop ’til you drop not #SheQuotes #quote #shopping #BlackFriday #consumerism
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Humour, Life, Men, Money.
Shop ’til you drop not #SheQuotes #quote #shopping #BlackFriday #consumerism
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Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Destiny, Determination, Dreams, Failure, Hope, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Wisdom. 2 Comments on Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
Consider the consequences before you quit #SheQuotes #Quote #courage #determination
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Be silly just for the sake of it #SheQuotes #Quote #fun #life #humour #age #youth
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Aging, Creativity, Fun, Happiness, Health, Humour, Imagination, Inspiration, Joy, Learning, Life.
Be silly just for the sake of it #SheQuotes #Quote #fun #life #humour #age #youth
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Woo hoo for winning #SheQuotes #Quote #winning #losing
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Determination, Fun, Goals, Humour, Leadership, Power.
Woo hoo for winning #SheQuotes #Quote #winning #losing
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A good man is hard to find #SheQuotes #Quote #men #relationships #divorce #single
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Goals, Happiness, Humour, Men, Relationships, Success, Wisdom, Women.
A good man is hard to find #SheQuotes #Quote #men #relationships #divorce #single #women
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For better or for worse or not? #SheQuotes #Quote #men #marriage #divorce #single
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Goals, Happiness, Humour, Men, Relationships, Success, Wisdom, Women.
For better or for worse or not? #SheQuotes #Quote #men #marriage #divorce #single
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Kellie Elmore and two little girls on being a writer #SheQuotes #Quote #writers
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Creativity, Fun, Girls, Humour, Writing. 2 Comments on Kellie Elmore and two little girls on being a writer #SheQuotes #Quote #writers
Kellie Elmore and two little girls on being a writer #SheQuotes #Quote #writers
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Katie Goodman on taking responsibility #SheQuotes #Quote #LOL #comedy #satire #music
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Determination, Goals, Hope, Humanity, Humour, Leadership, Life, Politics, Power, Success, Transformation.
Katie Goodman on taking responsibility #SheQuotes #Quote #LOL #comedy #satire
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On stress and worry #SheQuotes #Quote #stress #worry #LettingGo
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Fear, Feelings, Health, Humour, Life, Peace.
Self-induced stress #SheQuotes #Quote #stress #worry #LettingGo
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On shoes, standards and falling short #SheQuotes #quote #standards
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Bitchy, Confidence, Humour, Values.
On shoes, standards and falling short #SheQuotes #quote #standards
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amy ferris on being a goddess #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Fun, Health, Humour, Inspiration, Power, Sexuality, Transformation, Women.
amy ferris on being a goddess #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence