“Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.” ~ Barbara Walters #SheQuotes #Quote #power #parties #superficiality
“Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.” ~ Barbara Walters #SheQuotes #Quote #power #parties #superficiality
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Business, Humour, Leadership, Media, Power, Relationships, Women, World Issues.
“Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.” ~ Barbara Walters #SheQuotes #Quote #power #parties #superficiality
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Business, Feminism, Leadership, Media, Power, Women, World Issues.
“If it’s a woman, it’s ‘caustic.’ If it’s a man, it’s ‘authoritative.'” ~ Barbara Walters #SheQuotes #Quote #sexism #power #feminism #media
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Business, Determination, Feminism, Goals, Leadership, Men, Politics, Power, Reality, Success, Women, Work, World Issues.
“There is no glass ceiling.” ~ Laura A. Liswood #SheQuotes #quote #leadership #women #business #success
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Business, Feminism, Goals, Leadership, Men, Money, Politics, Power, Success, Women, Work, World Issues.
“Want to get to the top? Change your name to John.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #feminism #gender #parity #equality
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Business, Change, Confidence, Determination, Feminism, Goals, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Politics, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Women, Work, World Issues.
“We need more power in women.” ~ #SheQuotes #quote #power #women #feminism #voice #change #culture
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Feminism, Health, Hope, Power, Relationships, Sexuality, World Issues.
“Wrong. Wrong! My mother did nothing to provoke that…” ~ Patrick Stewart #Shequotes #Quotes #VAW #men #women
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Faith, Hope, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Peace, Politics, Power, World Issues.
“Optimism, faith and pragmatism change the reality.” ~ #SheQuotes Queen Rania #Quote #optimism #faith #peace #change
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Communication, Courage, Feminism, Politics, Power, Relationships, Women, World Issues.
“Powerlessness and silence go together.” ~ Margaret Atwood #SheQuotes #Quotes #power #silence #feminism
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Destiny, Determination, Happiness, Health, Hope, Humanity, Life, World Issues.
“You are here.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #perspective #life #challenges #destiny #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Feminism, Humanity, Leadership, Politics, Power, World Issues.
“No man is good enough…” ~ #SheQuotes Susan B. Anthony #Quote #democracy #feminism #women #rights
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Children, Courage, Destiny, Determination, Dreams, Education, Feminism, Girls, Goals, Hope, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women, World Issues.
“Invest in girls and women.” ~ Molly Cantrell-Kraig #shequotes #quote #girls #women #change #power
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Courage, Determination, Humanity, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, World Issues.
“Don’t just stand, sit, or lie there.” ~ #SheQuotes #quote #action #change #courage #right #wrong #activism
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Communication, Determination, Education, Feminism, Girls, Goals, Hope, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, Transformation, Truth, Values, Wisdom, Women, World Issues.
“Speak up for yourself.” ~ Malala Yousafzai #SheQuotes #Quote #Malala #voice #change #power
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Communication, Determination, Education, Feminism, Girls, Goals, Hope, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, Transformation, Truth, Values, Wisdom, Women, World Issues.
“Our voices are our most powerful weapons.” ~ Malala Yousafzai #SheQuotes #Quote #Malala #voice #change #power#TheDailyShow #JonStewart
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Education, Girls, Goals, Truth, Values, Wisdom, World Issues.
“Be straightforward and tell the truth.” ~ Malala Yousafzai #SheQuotes #Quote #Malala #Honesty #truth #wisdom #integrity #TheDailyShow #JonStewart
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Goals, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, World Issues.
“Inspire people to choose democracy over extremism.” ~ #SheQuotes #quote #BenazirBhutto #politics #freedom #government
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Family, Feminism, Humanity, Power, Values, Women, World Issues.
“Feminists are not anti men or anti family.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quotes #feminism #women #men #rights #choice
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Determination, Hope, Humanity, Leadership, Money, Politics, Power, Reality, Success, Transformation, Truth, Values, Wisdom, World Issues. 1 Comment on Elizabeth Warren is fed up and fired up #shequotes #quote #ElizabethWarren #inequity #politics #rich #poor #taxes
Elizabeth Warren is fed up and fired up #shequotes #quote #ElizabethWarren #inequity #politics #rich #poor #taxes
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Destiny, Determination, Feminism, Health, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, TED, Values, Women, World Issues.
“Stop fixing your bodies and start fixing the world.” Eve Ensler #SheQuotes #Quote #body #image #activism #world #issues
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Creativity, Media, Power, Reality, Relationships, Sexuality, Women, World Issues.
“Real-life rape is tragedy enough. Don’t use it as a plot device.” ~ #SheQuotes #quote #VAW #rape
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Change, Confidence, Courage, Destiny, Determination, Goals, Hope, Humanity, Inspiration, Leadership, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, World Issues. 2 Comments on “You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ~ Jane Goodall #SheQuotes #goals #courage #choice #impact #change #success
“You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ~ Jane Goodall #SheQuotes #courage #choice #impact #change #goals #success
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Compassion, Gratitude, Hope, Humanity, Life, Spirituality, Success, Values, Wisdom, World Issues.
“If you have already received, give.” ~ # shequotes #quote #giving #receiving #compassion #love #humanity #connection
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Death, Destiny, Determination, Fear, Feminism, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, World Issues.
“I don’t fear death.” ~ Malalai Joya #shequotes #Quote #fear #activism #power #politics #determination #courage #Afghanistan #death #justice
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Death, Destiny, Determination, Feminism, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, World Issues.
“Nothing can stop the coming of spring.” ~ Malalai Joya #shequotes #Quote #activism #power #politics #determination #courage #Afghanistan #freedom #justice
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Courage, Death, Destiny, Determination, Feminism, Inspiration, Leadership, Politics, Power, Success, World Issues.
“You can cut down the flower, but nothing can stop the coming of spring.” ~ Malalai Joya #shequotes #Quote #activism #power #politics #determination #courage #Afghanistan #freedom #justice