Katharine Hepburn lived #SheQuotes #Quote #confidence #action #goals #attitude #determination #motivation
Katharine Hepburn lived #SheQuotes #Quote #confidence #action #goals #attitude #determination #motivation
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Feelings, Feminism, Girls, Goals, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Love, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Katharine Hepburn lived #SheQuotes #Quote #confidence #action #goals #attitude #determination #motivation
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Feelings, Feminism, Girls, Goals, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Love, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Katharine Hepburn paddled her own canoe #SheQuotes #Quote #confidence #selfesteem #goals #attitude #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Feelings, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Love, Men, Relationships, Sexuality, Success, Values, Wisdom, Women.
“Love and be loved.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #relationships #selfesteem #love #life #“help” #happiness #worth
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Bitchy, Confidence, Fun, Health, Humour, Inspiration, Life, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women. 6 Comments on Michelle Combs wears what she wants #SheQuotes #Quote #aging #style #confidence #beauty #fashion #fifty
Michelle Combs wears what she wants #SheQuotes #Quote #aging #style #confidence #beauty #fashion #fifty
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Courage, Determination, Fear, Goals, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Power, Success, Values, Wisdom, Work.
“Be brave.” ~ #shequotes #quote #bravery #courage #confidence #fear #adventure #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Destiny, Fear, Fun, Happiness, Health, Hope, Humour, Joy, Life, Love, Success, Values, Wisdom.
“Wheeeeeeeeee!” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #rollercoaster #life #fun #challenges #joys #upsanddowns #destiny #adventure
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Change, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Success, Transformation, Wisdom.
“Be better today than you were yesterday.” ~ #shequotes #quote #life #growth #learning #adventure #development
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Change, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Success, Transformation, Wisdom.
“When you tell the truth today, there’s no need to fear the future.” ~ #shequotes #quote #truth #honesty #lies #deception
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Change, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Success, Transformation, Wisdom.
Emma Thompson likes people who have suffered #shequotes #quote #life #growth #learning #kindness #compassion #love #suffering
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Creativity, Death, Fun, Happiness, Health, Hope, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Love, Power, Success, Wisdom, Women.
Lisl Steiner bides her time #shequotes #quote #life #death #dying #style #engagement #fun #attitude
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Change, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Goals, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Success, TED, Transformation, Wisdom.
“Give your willpower a workout.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #willpower #change #confidence #goals #success
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Confidence, Creativity, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Power, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Tina Turner’s beauty secret #SheQuotes #Quote #women #beauty #health #self #esteem #happiness
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Destiny, Determination, Dreams, Family, Goals, Happiness, Health, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Parenting, Reality, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom. 1 Comment on “Walk in your own shoes.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #destiny #goals #success #life #past #future #determination
“Walk in your own shoes.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #destiny #goals #success #life #past #future #determination
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Compassion, Courage, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Health, Hope, Life, Sexuality, Transformation.
Deanne Mathews embraces love #Shequotes #quote #courage #challenges #life #perspective #love
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Courage, Determination, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Love, Music, Relationships, Success, Values.
Celine Dion lives to love #SheQuotes #Quote #life #love #passion #music #singing #destiny #courage
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Health, Inspiration, Love, Power, Success.
Melanie Gaydos is cool #SheQuotes #Quote #beauty #difference #selfesteem #confidence
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Compassion, Courage, Determination, Feelings, Happiness, Health, Hope, Life, Sexuality, Transformation. 2 Comments on Deanne Mathews is better #SheQuotes #quote #courage #challenges #life #perspective #transformation
Deanne Mathews is better #She quotes #quote #courage #challenges #life #perspective #transformation
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Failure, Fun, Goals, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Power, Relationships, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Amy Ferris takes charge #SheQuotes #Quote #takecharge #confidence #success #failure #betheboss
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Aging, Beauty, Change, Confidence, Creativity, Feminism, Fun, Happiness, Health, Life, Power, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
“I’m 50 shades of amazing and more.” ~ #SheQuotes #Quotes #confidence #colour #energy #spirit #wisdom #esteem
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Beauty, Feminism, Fun, Happiness, Health, Humour, Life, Wisdom.
“I just keep getting wiser dahhhhling.” ~ #SheQuotes #quote #silver #aging #wisdom
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Aging, Compassion, Death, Health, Hope, Humanity, Life, Values, World Issues.
Julianne Moore shines a light #shequotes #quote #alzheimers #awareness #visibility #change #cure
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Fun, Goals, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Love, Power, Relationships, Sexuality, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Amy Ferris is loved #SheQuotes #Quote #sex #love #relationships #fun #ferrisism
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Adventure, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Failure, Fun, Goals, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Power, Relationships, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Amy Ferris lets go #SheQuotes #Quote #lettinggo #givingup #confidence #success #failure
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Confidence, Creativity, Fun, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Joy, Love, Reality, Success, Wisdom, Women.
Bette Midler made being tacky divine #SheQuotes #Quote #tacky #success #fun #humour
Written by AmazingSusan on . Posted in Beauty, Confidence, Courage, Determination, Fun, Goals, Happiness, Health, Humour, Inspiration, Leadership, Learning, Life, Power, Relationships, Success, Transformation, Values, Wisdom, Women.
Amy Ferris’s 7 empowering don’ts #SheQuotes #Quote #self #esteem #confidence #success #love